
源 Blanc de Chine
服務電話+886 2 2514-0500
「源 Blanc de Chine」於1993年創立,以糅合中華文化及其精湛工藝與西方裁剪聞名於國際時裝界。品牌自設的制衣工廠內有手藝精湛和經驗豐富的裁縫師,嚴格控制每件「源Blanc de Chine」服裝的品質,一針一線皆力臻完美,由選料至完成,每件服飾均經歷數十甚至數百小時的細意琢磨。品牌一向追求卓越品質與尊貴品味,並以現代西方裁剪重新演繹中華傳統文化的思想精髓,為傳統服飾如中山裝、旗袍、棉襖等注入現代時尚氣息,展示亦古亦今的獨特魅力。

Since it opened its doors in 1993, Blanc de Chine has become known for its traditional Chinese designs infused with a Western sensibility. In its own factory, a skillful and experienced production team controls the quality of each and every stitch, and many painstaking hours go into the production of each garment. Always adhering to the highest standards of quality, taste and class, Blanc de Chine reinterprets ancient Chinese concepts using modern technology and its delicate and innovative craftsmanship of traditional Zhong Shan suits, Qi Pao and Mien O fit well in contemporary lifestyle.