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FABIANA FILIPPI,一個純正的義大利本土手工藝製造的品牌,創立於義大利翁布里業大區(Umbria),及歷史、傳統於文化之萃。懂得品味生活,是本地居民認真實踐的日常藝術。這裡生動多彩的自然風光,蘊育了Fabiana Filippi無窮創造力的靈感源泉,創作出一件件充滿熱情、質感與優雅的服飾,成就了女性柔美與自然真我的展現。

Fabiana Filippi is a brand with strong roots in the authentic places of ‘Made in Italy”.
We are in the region of Umbria, heart of Italy, which is the homeland of history , tradition and culture.
In Umbria among the people, the art of living is still being practiced. Always been the cradle of large manufacturing ability, Umbria is for us an inexhaustible source of creative inspiration. Our style is a distinctive taste away from boundaries, conveying both functionality and aesthetics.